Conscious Trade 101

So what is Conscious Trade and where do you fit in? By definition:

con·scious :adjective \ˈkän(t)-shəs\

Awake and able to understand what is happening around you

Yellow Seed believes the future of food depends on a paradigm shift and collectively making positive change that goes beyond current levels of compliance. Our community is therefore committed to transparency, collaboration and participation towards meaningful impact.

We want you to know your context, see your place in the system, know what is possible and know where you have personal agency within that possibility.

How can you be a voice for authenticity and integrity? How can you apply your farming skills or leverage your purchasing power to support a movement for better? How might you share best practices to raise the bar for your industry colleagues?

Our ultimate goal is to design a trade system that creates wholeness, where everyone impacted by the system can contribute to making that system better. This means more fulfilled, prosperous farmers; more thriving intermediaries; more satisfied buyers; and more delighted customers.

Yellow Seed’s work requires a commitment from all collaborators involved, and a shared vision of where we are headed — a future where everyone wins.

~ Good Chocolate, Good Beans, Good for People, Good for the Earth.

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